Music by Virgilio Ranzato. Libretto by Carlo Lombardo.
Cin Ci Là Elena D’Angelo
Petit-Gris Matteo Mazzoli
Principe Cyclamino Mattia Pelosi
Principessa Myosotis Merita Dileo
Principe Fon-Ki Gianni Versino
Blum Stefano Menegale
Annie Paola Scapolan
Sacerdote Carlo Randazzo
Un cinese Fabio Vivarelli
Conductor Marcella Tessarin
Director Elena D’Angelo
Artistic Director Gianni Versino
Choreographies Martina Ronca
Orchestra and corps de ballet Compagnia D’Operette Elena D’Angelo
Sets and costumes Grandi Spettacoli
Cin ci là is an atypical case of operetta: few operatic spaces and a layout that are definitely more akin to teatro di rivista.
But in 1925, that was the kind of show that lovers of the genre demanded, and Lombardo and Ranzato adapted. The chronicles of the time report news of duets that were repeated twice and thrice. The music, too, was praised as graceful in its broad sentimental swirls, in the rhythm of the songs and in its quick cheerfulness. Today Cin ci là remains, in the Italian territory, one of the most popular operettas with the public and among the most performed by tour companies.
Sunday, 17 December – h. 17.00 Operetta
from 35€ to 19€ + presale